Good places to look at for training certification


No Sugar Added
Jun 30, 2006
But do trainers have a problem being a mentor? Do you just approach someone and say I like your technique? I am willing to attend seminars and read books and watch videos too, but I didn't know if someone may take offense or couldn't even believe I would be asking them if I could do something like that. How do appraoch a subject such as this without imposing on someone?
It helps if you contact someone outside of your area so they don't see you as future competition. Best to go at least 25-30 miles if not further out of your area to find a trainer to work with.

I've also found that it's better to approach it as if you're looking to be hired, and not expecting them to just take you under their wing for the heck of it. Ask if they have any job openings, explain that you'd love to be a trainer but are wanting to work your way up. You might have to start out bathing dogs (which was where i started, lol) and then eventually move up to working with them.


Loves off-leash training!
Feb 28, 2006
People would be far better off choosing their trainers by taking the time to observe and see what their training techniques are like then to just fall for someone because they have some title or a piece of paper framed and mounted on their wall.
I'm not sure if you mean to sound as offensive as you do but no one ever suggested, certainly not me, that a piece of paper MAKES a trainer. I do have those titles and certificates but had many years of training under my belt along with a university education in this field to back it up. I think that you know how I feel about your abilities. It's clear that you know what you're doing, but the OP is new to "our world" and I'm sure you of all people can recognize the benefit of a complete program to help someone new START out.
dr2little, I am sure (by what I've seen you post in here) that you would welcome someone who wanted to come and observe your techniques before hiring you on as a trainer. And I think everyone should do that - my point was that what someone can actually DO as a trainer is very important and viewing that is more important (in my eyes) then just knowing they have certifications. What you've been taught is significant, yes, but it's the actuality of what you do that is the most important.

The only ones that should take offense to what I said are those who have worthless certificates - like the person who still uses Koehler methods but who is a "master trainer" on paper. I still believe that regardless of the qualifications of the trainer (including titles, which I have dozens of) a person should observe first and not just be blown away by the certificates or titles or whatever. I welcome people to view my training, and it's because they see what I do (not what I have done) they are comfortable with me.

Experience with the right techniques is what makes a trainer good, in my eyes, and that can be obtained through qualified traininer programs, mentoring with a good trainer, studying books and videos, etc. It all depends on what is available and what each person chooses to use.

Okay, off to play with dogs! *L*

Melanie and the gang in Alaska

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