Growling Yorkshire Terrier Part II


New Member
Nov 4, 2004
Ok i posted on here a few weeks ago about my mums new dog chip. Im fairly sure now that his past life wasnt all that good, he may of been treated badly but he has an agression problem that I would like to try and treat.

If you remembered my last post, he use to growl and go for you when you were near a toy he was playing with or near some food. Using some of the ideas given to me in the last thread he is no longer aggressive with toys.

His favourite toy is his yellow ball with a bell in it, he keeps it in his mouth and before when you use to go near him, he use to growl aggressivlely. Now when you go near him, you can touch him, hug him, and he is fine. He does sometimes try and walk away or turn his head when he has a toy but when you try and take the toy away from him, after a few attempts he gives in, wags his tail and isnt at all aggressive.

he either stopped being aggressive with toys because i made him sit everytime i play with him, or he just felt more like a part of the family. Whatever the reason I am happy he isnt aggressive when it comes to toys however he is still very aggressive with food and i dont know what to do.

When we put food in his bowl we walk away and he eats it, but when we give him dog chews or bones he takes it and walks away. As soon as you go anywhere near him, he growls aggressively and if you try and touch him, he will go for you. I understand why he is doing this, he thinks i want his food, but i want to teach him that this is wrong and to not do it.

Something strange though... when he has for example a bone, you can call him and he will come up right next to you and sit beside you, but when you move he starts being aggressive... if he thinks i am trying to get his food from him, why does he bring his food with him and sit next to me when i call him?

He doesnt have any food now apart from the food he gets in his bowl for dinner etc. He doesnt have anymore bones or chews. I want him to have these because he enjoys them but what can i do to teach him that being aggressive is wrong?

We cannot afford taking him to a dog trainer, we really cant.

Thanks for any advice and thanks for the advice on the previous thread.
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
The reason your dog stopped acting aggressively towards you when you put your hand near his toy is because you commanded him to sit, in turn positioning yourself above the showed him that you are the master...the alpha dog...the boss..

The same thing needs to be applied to the food. Your dog feels as though he is in control of the situation, and is commanding YOU to move away from HIS food. Make sure you eat before the dog does, and he sees this. Always feed the dog LAST out of everyone in the family. Food aggression is NOT fear aggression, but domination. Your dog doesn't seem scared, he seems confident....too confident. Also make sure to get the dog to sit every single time before you place the food bowl down...this again ensures that YOU are controlling the situation here and deciding when Fido eats.

Other simple ways of putting yourself in a higher position:
Always winning at tug of war
Eating before the dog eats
Not allowing dog on the bed
Giving the dog a command before he gets anything (treats/toys/etc) - he'll learn that if he doesn't listen to you and do what YOU want, he'll get a big fat 0.
etc... I think you get the point.

Good luck.


New Member
Jun 2, 2004
great post Pit. And I second everything you said.

I didn't get to read your first thread and maybe this has been said but you said Chip might have been abusied in his past home. I think he must have had to fight for his food and/or been taunted with his toys and almost like bullied.

I grew up with dogs and can remember when I was young, my father would taunt our two Lhasa's with their toy by saying "I'm gonna get it " But, me being young and the person being my father I couldn't really say anything. And sure enough, they were snippy. I got 3 stiches under my eye and a cut on the tip of my nose at the time and scars still now to prove it.

I might try taking the food away while he is eating, then giving it back to him. Ignore the growls and even put some kind of towel over your arm if need be. Then praising him. I might be totally wrong and someone please correct this if I am, but he needs to gain your trust I think and at the same time knowing who is boss.


New Member
Nov 4, 2004
thanks for the replies, i understand what i have to do, and i have some ideas i can play around with, thanks very much.

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