So I might be getting a....


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
HORSE! :yikes:

Mum sugested it last week, as an alterntaive to packing up and going halfway across the country to live on my own.
At first I thought no, bad idea, not now, not the right time. But ofcourse I sat down and thought about it. It was stuck in my head for days.

I eventually jumped on another forum with a lot of horse people on it and talked to whole thing over with them and told them my situation and they sugested leasing a horse for 6 months, making sure I can handle the care/riding/commitment/cost and then decide completley after that.

It basically came down to do I want to stay here, have a horse, start a vet nurse course, but be stuck at home (though I'd probably buy a caravan for thebackyard as my own bedroom because I can't keep doign this long term.) Or do I want to go back to a small town with no oppurtunity to slip into old patterns but be with my friends and have a life again.

My plan at this stage is to lease a horse for 6 months, and go back north for a holiday to see my friends and then decide what to do.

My mum fed Lucy today and told her we were likley to start looking so could she keep an eye out as she knows a lot of dressage people and general horsey people. She also invited me along to go to her next day out with her as her right hand man to hang out with her and her Donnie boy:yikes::D

I had written it off as not happening for a long while but right now would probably be ideal timing, I have close, cheap agistment, am making money, have eery morning off till 11am atleast and usually most of the day off. And I am surrounded by people that know horses and can help me.

I'm still keeping this as a "might" though. If I do decide to go through with this then I want this horses future to be somewhat stable, I don't want to be reselling in a year because I changed my plans. I also know I have a tendancy to get "airy fairy" when I'm excited and I want to be 100% honest on whether or not I can do this.

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