Adopt Anatolian/Malinois,please help me!!

Apr 18, 2006
Hello, this is my first post. Seems like a great site! I've researched alot about both breeds. Conculsion: both are very active,smart & love to run!

Yesterday I finally went to the shelter to see a Anatolian/Malianois mix,he's 2 yrs old,has been at the shelter 5 mos!! Nobody wants to adopt him cause he's so hyper,they claim he's leashed trained but there was NO way I could control him,we took him for a walk & introduced him to our little dog.

He is soooo sweet. I filled out the adoption papers but said it would be a few days before we could pick him up. This was an emotional reaction on my part cause I've been encouraged to adopt him & when he was attacked recently by a pit bull (jumped the fence at the shelter!), I felt this was it-I simply had to rescue this dog!

My concern is that we live in the country but we do NOT have a fenced yard. After reading alot about these breeds my understanding is that he might even be smart enough to open our doors & if he took off I fear he'd be on the road in a flash! (All the doors have levers).

He needs a home so badly,but after 5 mos. & probably LOTS of people taking him for a walk & concluding he's too much I dare risk it? I want him as MY dog,for companionship & protection. I'm partially disabled,there are days when I can hardly walk, I'd thought he might be a good service dog even.

However, I keep seeing the way he jumped up on a handler yesterday & realize he could knock me over!

This is heartbreaking,I bought a bed,Kong toy,etc. after seeing him yesterday. Now today the more I read the more I realize without a fence I would have no control until he's trained & he could end up dead on the road or shot by a loony neighbor if he took off in the woods!

Please share some wisdom here OK? He's big,90#,we had a Bouvier that was bigger but she was TRAINED & I never worried about her taking off,plus she wasn't known for being "high energy".

Thanks for any help in my decision!


hmm...dont really know bout those breed....well ill see if my boyfriend knows em! dont malinous look sortof shepard ish?


ok im back! u should do the rih thing! im no choosing 4 u! but whatever u think is best 4 u and ur dog is ur desicion! but what u can do is built a fence(if u can)


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
I own an Anatolian and they definitely need a fenced yard. They have "a mind of their own" and even if trained, may decide what is the best thing to do which is why they make great guardian dogs. We have a 5' high fence and have to make sure the gates are always locked because an Anatolian can take off so fast, you'll be running and driving in a car to catch up to it (been there and done it).

I see how much you want to adopt this dog, but I truly don't think this would be the right dog for you.
Apr 18, 2006
Thanks so much for your reply!

Well, this is what I was afraid of, wish I'd never gone to see him!

I asked why he wasn't given to a Fire Dept. or K-9 unit for training/service,was told he's too old. What a shame.

What I CAN do is devote some time to help find him a home! I live in farm country,there are sheep,cattle,and alpacha farms in the area.

Also, I might be able to get the local newspapers to do a story on him,(especially since he was named in the Pit Bull article).

Knew in my BRAIN that he was too much for me,just that seeing him with his fur all shaved off from the attack,the scars on his ears,etc. made me determined to get him OUT of there. Thank God it's a no-kill shelter.

I'll do what I can to find him a home. Any ideas would be much appreciated!

Thank you both for your prompt replies.

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